DAVID KRAYDEN: Ottawa police manhandle parents’ rights protesters, make arrests for ‘incitement of hatred’ during Million March for Children

Trudeau has already indicated that opposition to this indoctrination is considered “far right” and hateful. Photo credit: Dacey Media

Trudeau has already indicated that opposition to this indoctrination is considered “far right” and hateful. Photo credit: Dacey Media


Were the Ottawa police taking their walking orders from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during Wednesday’s #1MillionMarch4Children? Sure looks like it.

I personally argued with one cop who could not tell me why the parental rights protesters weren’t allowed to leave the sidewalk while a “counter-protest” organized and encouraged on company time by fat cat union honchos was allowed to wander all over the place and actually block one street for blocks.

Trudeau issued his instructions to the authorities in a statement on X that indicated the march for parental rights and against gender ideology instruction in the schools would not be tolerated. Trudeau has already indicated that opposition to this indoctrination is considered “far right” and hateful. 

Therefore the march must also be interpreted as being far right and hateful and dealt with severely.

Trudeau said he was being “very clear” about what is and what is not acceptable in his country, while popularizing yet another phobia that is supposedly a source of rot in our social foundation: the dreaded “biphobia.”

“Let me make one thing very clear: Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country. We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across the country – you are valid and you are valued,” Trudeau said.

But parents are not considered valid if they oppose Trudeau’s extremist sexuality politics and they are certainly not valued.

Just look at how Ottawa’s finest acted like goons as they first grabbed this woman’s hijab and then proceeded to knock her about.

“A woman was aggressively grabbed by the neck and pushed by an @OttawaPolice Sgt. then OPS [tactical] took down a man for attempting to help the woman. This incident took place after an altercation with some anti-protesters following the #1MillionMarch4Children,” Dacey Media posted.

Wasn’t that kind of behavior one considered blatant Islamophobia by the Trudeau government?

Oh yes, that was before Muslims began turning their backs on Trudeau and demanding that he stop defining their religion for them and taking their children from them.

“SHOCK: After an officer guarding Trudeau's office tries to slap a phone out of a senior woman's hand, he grabs her by the neck and slams her against a car. Multiple arrests of anti-grooming activists followed. Violence and anger is growing in Ottawa,” another angle, from Keean Bexte shows.

Ottawa police could confirm “that 5 persons were arrested during the demonstrations on September 20. Three arrests were made for public incitement of hatred, one for assault, and one for obstructing police. All of these investigations are ongoing and no further details are available at this time.”

You ask what “public incitement of hatred” means to these facile dolts? Well it can mean just about anything in Justin Trudeau’s Canada but definitely refers to desecrating the holy Pride flag by stomping on. I witnessed one youth being arrested by police on Wednesday for doing just this. I was told later in the day that he had been released from custody. 

Of course some members of the Ottawa Police, the Ontario Provincial Police and the RCMP behaved abominably during the Freedom Convoy protest of January to February 2022 – even before Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act. 

Police rode a horse right over a Metis woman in a walker, breaking her collarbone. I spoke to Candace Sero during the Emergencies Act Inquiry and she told me she was still in pain as a result of the attack. No one was punished for this act that was either inspired by hostility or resulted from gross negligence. The police claimed no action was necessary because “the woman was not seriously injured.”

An Ottawa police officer pushed and shoved an elderly in early February 2022 for honking his horn and it was captured in this video from Facebook, captioned “Ottawa Police Arrest Elderly Man for Honking his horn Freedom Convoy 2022 Feb 7.”

When the Emergencies Act authorized the police to use force against the protesters, they used it in abundance: I saw police manhandle everyone in sight, including journalists. 

So don’t trust the police to be honest brokers in Trudeau’s World. When the prime minister speaks, they pay very careful attention.

Image: Title: ottawa protest


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