American kids still must be up to date on their vaccinations. Kids here illegally and entering our taxpayer funded school system don’t need any at all.
Your children, as in American citizens, must still comply with New York’s vaccine regulations in order to get an education. As per the Department of Health, New York State says; “Children attending daycare and pre-K through 12th grade in New York State must receive all required doses of vaccines on the recommended schedule in order to attend or remain in school. This includes all public, private, and religious schools. A medical exemption is allowed when a child has a medical condition that prevents them from receiving a vaccine. There are no nonmedical exemptions to school vaccine requirements in NYS.”
If you are a child here illegally, none of the above applies.
Melissa Ramos, chief of staff to New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks (an Adams appointee) was asked during a briefing on August 30th whether children here illegally would have to show proof of vaccination and immunization records upon entering school. Her response was shocking. "Students in temporary housing [she uses “students” to replace the words “illegal migrants” href="" target="_blank">] do not have to show proof of vaccination to enter a school."
This throws into question everything parents have been told, specifically in New York City. Before even discussing the COVID “vaccine”, the smallest, youngest, and most defenseless American citizens and New York City residents must take a minimum of 43 doses to supposedly protect themselves and the public at large from Diphtheria and Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Polio and Varicella (Chickenpox).
On the New York State Department of Health’s website, in the sparse “frequently asked question” portion is; “Why are so many doses needed for each vaccine? Depending on the vaccine, your child will need more than one dose to build high enough immunity to prevent disease or to boost immunity that fades over time. Every dose is important because each protects against infectious diseases that can be especially serious for infants and children.”
We must conclude this is either a lie or the children here illegally not needing any of these vaccines are being used by the Adams administration to do... something? Start a pandemic? Close down schools? Sow chaos.
Now, let’s get to the COVID “vaccines.” De Blasio and then Adams pushed it on children like it was a life saver. But not all children were in danger. Only private school kids in New York City were vectors of transmission or merchants of death because they were mandated to jab as soon as the COVID “vaccine” became available. Science was different for public school kids - even those on the same block as private school ones. This should have been the first red flag. If COVID was so deadly for kids, they all would have been mandated.
Because the “vaccine” worked so well, Adams mandated toddlers mask longer than kids in almost any other city - until June 2022. This was well past the grace period whereby learning loss, emotional atrophy, and physical side effects were noted.
Joe Borelli, New York City Council member for the 51st district and Minority Leader says, “The Justification for vaccination was that this was a life or death emergency. Clearly that is now proven to be absolute crap. If we can make up nonsense to justify vaccinations, we can make up nonsense to justify anything including masking.”
Vickie Paladino, New York City Council for the 19th district says, “It's astounding that the city was completely willing to destroy the lives, careers, and education of our workers and students over the COVID vaccine mandates. Even now, they’re talking up the possibility of new emergency measures to deal with the alleged 'spike' in cases while simply dismissing the same requirements for migrants. These people are completely unvetted; we don't even have a reliable way to know their real names, much less their vaccination history. Yet the city is eager to open the floodgates to our schools. Less than two years ago we were told that the 'science' required the absolute strictest of vaccination requirements otherwise 'people would die.' The teachers unions pushed for indefinite school closures because the risk was simply too great. Now they don't care? This is obvious hypocrisy and just proves the mandates were a sham from day one, and the hysterics completely performative.”
Paladino continues, “If new vaccine and mask mandates are deployed again, every single parent should simply refuse en masse. Especially if migrant children aren't being held to the same requirements. It obviously didn't work the first time, and nobody should fall for it again. It may take massive civil disobedience to get the message across that we're not going to take this anymore, but nonetheless if they try to roll out new mandates that will likely be the only valid response.”
Paladino concludes with sobering news. “The 20,000 number [of kids here illegally entering New York City schools] has some basis in reality, but we definitely don’t know the exact amount. The total migrant count is likely greater than what we've been able to ascertain and we have no reason to trust the authorities on this at all. However the one thing that makes me believe the number is at least close to accurate is that there is no financial incentive to undercount the migrant totals -- the more migrants we count, the more federal aid we can ask for. So the incentive to undercount is PR, but the incentive to be realistic is financial. And when faced with that kind of choice, they'll take the bad PR if it means more federal bailout dollars incoming.”