EXCLUSIVE: Kirk Cameron and Jack Posobiec announce Brave Books giveaway of Poso's anti-socialist children's book in response to ALA Marxist indoctrination plan for libraries

The Island of Free Ice Cream is Jack Posobiec's children's book about the dangers of communism. If the ALA is going to push socialism onto American kids, Brave Books will be fighting back.

The Island of Free Ice Cream is Jack Posobiec's children's book about the dangers of communism. If the ALA is going to push socialism onto American kids, Brave Books will be fighting back.

Brave Books author Kirk Cameron made a big announcement on Human Events Live. In light of the American Library Association's plan to turn public libraries into Marxist indoctrination centers, everyone who buys a copy of The Island of Free Ice Cream will receive a second copy they can donate to their local library.

The Island of Free Ice Cream is Jack Posobiec's children's book about the dangers of communism. If the ALA is going to push socialism onto American kids, Brave Books will be fighting back.

"It's all about the dangers of communism," Posobiec said. "Because they say 'come to the island have free ice cream, kids. Everything will be great here. Everything's wonderful. It's free. It's ice cream. It's beautiful.' But when they get to the island, it's surrounded like the Berlin Wall. It's surrounded by barbed wire. The whole thing is on lock. The wolves are eating everything."

Cameron plans to read the book later in September at the Houston Public Library. He thanked ALA president Emily Drabinski for making her motivations so transparent. The two discussed the American Library Association's shocking plans to implement socialist organizing within the nation's public library system, called out the president of the ALA, and encouraged states to pull out of the association.

While speaking at the 2023 Socialism Conference, Emily Drabinksi, a radical Marxist and president of the American Library Association, insisted that libraries need to be the site of socialist organizing.

Posobiec, who explained that American libraries are under attack by the communist agenda through their "woke" displays that feature LGBTQ and Socialist propaganda which targets children, asked Cameron his thoughts on Drabinski's recent comments.

"She just said the quiet part out loud," Cameron told Posobiec. "At a socialist meeting in Chicago, she is referring to socialist organizing as something that she wants to see happen not only in public education but in libraries where children are there."

"So she's wanting to turn them into socialists. She's already self-identified as a lesbian Marxist, and she's being referred to as one of the comrades in the room," Cameron said.

"Communism is just socialism with a gun as it's been said. So, Emily Drabinski, if this recording is accurate, is saying that her goal as a Marxist is to organize socialist sites across the nation in your children's elementary schools and in their public libraries."

Cameron explained that after Drabinski outed herself as a radical Marxist, certain states like Missouri, Texas, and Montana have pulled their funding from the ALA, with other states currently in the process of doing so, as well. He recommended that "every state pull out of the ALA."

"You wouldn't be funding the KKK. You don't want to be funding the Nazi party. You don't wanna be funding communist socialist parties. They hate the American constitutional republic that leads to our blessing and our protection. They hate family values and the treasure of God's word that this nation was built on," Cameron said.

The Brave Book's author, who has received significant praise and attention for hosting "BRAVE Story Hour" events for children at public libraries, which is a Christian-based alternative to the controversial Drag Queen Story Hour events, said that he will be hosting another public story hour by reading his "favorite children's book" that warns against the dangers of socialism.

That book, which is called The Island of Free Ice Cream, was written by none other than Jack Posobiec.

"What I'm asking people to do on a local level is go to bravebooks.com and get a copy of The Island of Free Ice Cream and read it to your kids. Read it to your grandkids, and inoculate them from this evil virus called socialism, and communism, which they are being injected with in their public schools and libraries," Cameron told Posobiec.

"So you've got to counteract it with something and there's nothing better than this book. And here's the cool thing. For every book that you purchase at bravebooks.com, Brave Books is going to send you an additional free copy of The Island of Free Ice Cream."

"So that you can walk into your local public library, hand it to your librarian and say, 'Please put this on the front shelf right next to all of the progressive books and make sure that parents know this is here. It's been donated by the publisher. It's free, and they can read it to their kids and their grandkids in their public library," Cameron said.

Kirk Cameron is the author of Pride Comes Before the Fall and hosts a national book tour at public libraries which fills children with Christ and acts as an alternative to the far-left LGBTQ indoctrination that children are injected with at libraries during taxpayer-funded Drag Queen Story Hour events.

Image: Title: Poso Kirk Cameron


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