JACQUELINE TOBOROFF: 76 percent of 8th-grade NYC public school students are years behind in math

Only 24 percent of eighth graders in New York public schools are grade-level proficient in math. You read that right: 76 percent of New York students have zero business moving onto ninth grade. Don't worry, Biden's Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, has a plan.

"Every parent has the right to know that their child attends a school where they feel welcome," Cardona tweeted August 1st. This is a mirthless joke on many levels.

First, since 2020, parents have been told they have no rights. Whether it's pertaining to Covid mandates such as lockdowns, masks, vaccines, attending funerals, traveling, worshiping, congregating, adhering to the biological sex of one's children, or weighing in at a school board meeting. Parents were labeled "domestic terrorists." Conveniently, Cardona now wants them to rest assured their rights have been restored. Why now?

Because the Left failed. It's been caught and the cat is out of the bag. The Left owns America's decline. It owns the wrecking ball of intrusion into the state's rights to educate children. By massive overreach, the Left created Big Ed out of thin air.

Let's be blunt. Everything starts at home. The problem is, the Left mainstreamed degeneracy. Many parents aren't parenting. Simultaneously, the teachers unions, an arm of the Left, are in dereliction of duty. Just look at the numbers. Two-thirds of America's children can't read or write. If the plan is to fix this, it would be to double down on traditional core curriculum. The opposite is occurring, meaning the plan isn't to fix this, its intent is to make matters worse because it leads to government dependency. The emphasis at school isn't on math, reading, writing, science, or history: it's on CRT, which focuses on creating racism by imagination and sexually exploiting children.

You can take this to the bank - grade-level proficiency will continue to decline. There will be dramatic differences between grade-level proficiency amongst white people, Asians, and black people. The Left, as it has always done, will blame gaps in proficiency on "systemic racism." However, the chasm is happening on their watch under the guise of "anti-racism." The Left rejects reading, writing, and math because it's tied to America's creation, our Founding Fathers, and 250 years of history. Therefore, it's deemed racist. In 2022, fourth-grade level reading shows that 58 percent of white people aren't proficient, 79 percent of Hispanics aren't proficient, and 83 percent of black people aren't proficient. In a panic, the Left continues to lower the bar and move the goalpost. This is the exact reason why Cardona gaslights low IQ, struggling, desperate parents into believing it's their right for their kids to feel welcome at a school of their choice. It ensures that no one is responsible.


Vis-a-vis New York, the harebrained notion is presumably that 76 percent of public school students who can't do eighth grade level math can decide to skip highschool altogether and go to Harvard - because they feel welcomed? Or, I think I cracked the code…demand a place in one of the seven specialty high schools in New York City? Democrats have been trying to topple these for years because they require a test based on merit. As it stands, Asian people dominate, followed by white people. Black people and Hispanics are scantily represented. Again, amidst "anti-racism," low quotas for certain people are a source of consternation for the Left. Cordona is hooking into the emotional vernacular of the Left: "feeling welcome," to apprise us of the latest nefarious plot to cripple Americans.

Naturally, the people who won't "feel welcome" are those that worked their asses off to be proficient. Or, the business owners hiring graduates that can't read, write, or do math - who add zero value. As per a Wall Street Journal article, "Employers are spending more time and resources searching for candidates and often lowering expectations when they hire." Then they are spending millions to fix new employees' lack of basic skills." In short, the employer has to do the job that the school should have done.

Over in Akron, Ohio, not a single eighth grader at LeBron James's public elementary school, "I Promise," passed state math tests—three years in a row. It's specifically geared to help at-risk children. Again, the teachers union and the Biden administration are destroying a generation, maybe two.

Eighth grade math curriculum is algebra, geometry, measurements, data analysis, and spatial sense, you know, little things you need to work in fields like architecture, electronics, engineering, and construction. Or to balance a budget, make an investment and not go bankrupt. Come to think of it, perhaps no one in New York government passed eighth grade math.

Image: Title: education nyc


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