TOBOROFF: Teachers unions are pushing into private schools, libraries

Government is taking over private schools and libraries.

Government is taking over private schools and libraries.


New York City private schools are unionizing. Fieldston, LREI, Friends Seminary, Bank Street, and UNIS, have already gone this route.

There has been a nationwide awakening to the failure of government-run schools. It is but for one reason: the teachers unions. Why on earth would private schools jeopardize their independence? They have done a masterful job proving that demanding, academic, and incorruptible non-unionized teachers do a better job teaching kids to read and write.

The teacher’s union, which donates almost exclusively to Democrat candidates and causes such as BLM, climate, CRT, DEI, SEL, and transitioning, is taking over the libraries and will be pushing the Left’s agenda. 

A recent article from Times Union alerts parents: "The powerful statewide teachers union is seeking to organize libraries and private schools to bring dozens of new groups into its 700,000-member organization." You got this? The federal government’s proxy, the teachers unions, are coming for private schools and the libraries.

Have you seen what sort of "books" flood the public school libraries and are recommended reading? A Kids Book About Being Transgender, Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family, Gender Identity for Kids: A Book About Finding Yourself, Understanding Others, and Respecting Everybody! and Ibram Kendi’s Antiracist Baby, just to name a few.

Private school parents: the days of your children having traditionally trained educators are numbered. The days of private school children reading and discussing classic literature are coming to an end.

New York State United Teachers president, Melinda Person, explained what will be realized within three years, according to the Times Union, which wrote: “NYSUT had already moved into charter schools, unionizing many of them, an effort she plans to continue. Now it is expanding into private schools. Libraries are another natural group to unionize, Person said. Library employees haven’t cited concerns about censorship or limits on programs, though they are concerned about what they see happening along those lines in other states, she said. So far in New York, she said, interest in unions is about wages and benefits.” 

Do you understand yet? Private schools haven’t done enough to encourage butt plugs, bondage, racism, and transitioning from one sex to the other for five-year-olds.

Moreover, public schools are doing away with grades and attendance. Private schools, at present, are still use this working system which must be eradicated because of "social justice." There is a belief that merit-based grades themselves are a form of oppression. Person says, "NYSUT is throwing its support behind a proposed act dubbed 'More Teaching Less Testing.'"

Why are private schools unionizing and going to drop grades? Because they’ve opted into accreditation and report to NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools). NAIS is committed to Marxist ideology. To implement it, various tools in the tool-kit are deployed; racism, sexual exploitation of children, and climate. 

In fact, "equitable grading" was created by Joe Feldman, a "trusted" advisor to NAIS. He says, "grading—how teachers evaluate, describe, and report student achievement—is rarely considered part of DEI work. As a result, schools may be inadvertently undermining equity and inclusion efforts by continuing to use many common grading practices. In fact, many grading policies—which appear to be an objective, fair, and accurate method to describe a student’s academic performance—often increase achievement gaps by infusing grades with teachers’ implicit biases or by rewarding or punishing students based on their families’ resources."

Translation: grades are racist.

Here’s the billion-dollar question: Why did private schools opt into accreditation? Their track record of success is settled science by every metric. They have a waiting list out the door because they employ traditionally trained teachers who insistent on rigorous academics, classroom decorum, and accountability, such as attendance and completion of homework. The class syllabus focuses on reading, writing, and arithmetic. Tests are routine, helping educators, parents, and students track progress and isolate weak spots. There were accelerated, honor, and advanced placement classes. Finally, private schools were feeders to Ivy League institutions before "equity" kicked merit to the curb.

Here’s the answer: "The goal of accreditation is to ensure that institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality. Accreditation in the United States involves non-governmental entities (accrediting organizations) as well as federal and state government agencies."

This means that private grade schools were likely bulldozed by "institutions of higher education," heavily financed by the government, to fall in line so that applicants are already primed for the onslaught of Marxism in these esteemed universities. It’s easier for professors to work with already primed students than those who are critical thinkers, in command of American and world history and the perils of Communism, Socialism, and Marxism.

Parents, taxpayers, and business owners should be aghast. New York City public schools cost taxpayers $29,000 per public school student annually. (This price predates 300,000 people fleeing from paradise and subtracting $16 Billion from New York State tax revenue). The prize is being in the bottom half of the nation for reading and writing. With the flood of illegal migrants pouring into public school, the price will go up and the grade level proficiency will further decline.

Private schools cost a fortune and don’t exempt the paying parent(s) from taxes that go towards funding public schools. The bitter irony is, other than the exorbitant cost, private schools have begun to operate like public schools, making the argument for school choice moot. Standards, the teacher, parent, and student body, and grade level proficiency, will soon reflect the pact with the devil.

Image: Title: randi hochul


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