WaPo says Mexico is too dangerous a place for illegal immigrants to wait for US asylum until claims are processed

"Mexico is far from safe. It is considerably more dangerous than the United States, particularly for immigrants."

"Mexico is far from safe. It is considerably more dangerous than the United States, particularly for immigrants."


The Washington Post suggested that Mexico is just not a safe enough place for illegal immigrants to wait for the US to process their claims of asylum, and that the US should mitigate those dangers either by funding better accommodations or, as is the more likely undertone, just letting everyone in.

In response to Secretary of State Antony Blinken's comments that Mexico could make use of those illegal immigrants, and that Mexico is "a vast country" with varying levels of relative safety and danger, the post said, "This is irresponsible rhetoric."

"For one," WaPo continued, "Mexico is far from safe. It is considerably more dangerous than the United States, particularly for immigrants, who have suffered abuses and humiliation that, in some cases, defy imagination. Federal and state officials in Mexico have systematically left immigrants, especially children, defenseless."

They suggest that "the United States might not be able to address any of these issues directly, but it should not play any part in exacerbating an already desperate situation," meaning: let them all in, don't force anyone to hang out in Mexico. The piece goes on to suggest that the events playing out on the Mexican border, following the expiration of Title 42, has created a “humanitarian crisis.”

WaPo noted the possibility that the crisis at the US-Mexico border could also be one of the major campaign platforms leading up to the 2024 presidential election. It goes on to say that “American reporters and activists have begun to appreciate the dire conditions faced by impoverished and forgotten immigrants stuck on the banks of the Rio Bravo in makeshift camps without services – without hope.”

What the writer of the piece seems to be suggesting is that because Title 42 has now expired, it is incumbent upon the US to take care of those stuck on the Mexican side of the border. In other words, it is the responsibility of the US to actively take care of illegal immigrants no matter where they find themselves, even if they are under the purview of another country. 

The outlet appealed to its reader’s emotions by citing Amy Fischer, the advocacy director for the Americas at Amnesty International USA, saying: “You can hear a baby coughing and crying for her mom from inside. These are the conditions that families with small children have to live in.”

“This is the real crisis — a humanitarian one.”

WaPo is using this border crisis as a way to make Americans feel bad about themselves for what is happening to others in another country. While it can be admitted that the conditions are not good at the border, it must also be reiterated that these individuals have willingly, of their own accord, made the trek, understanding the potential consequences of those choices. And it's not up to the US to destroy itself in order to appeal to the wishes of others.

Now that adverse situations and conditions have become a reality, it is somehow now the job of the US to clean up the mess. This kind of thought process does not bode well for the longevity of logical and rational reasoning.

While the piece notes that Mexican journalists have been covering the development around the border, the outlet does not appear to feel it necessary to place blame on the Mexican government for its seeming inability to manage its own people.

Mexican citizens are not the only ones attempting to cut through Mexico into the US. Central Americans and Haitians have also been reported to be making their way to the US-Mexico border, but the governing bodies of those countries are not being held responsible for their own citizens.

WaPo suggests that the Biden administration “needs to find better ways to expedite asylum claims,” adding that “officials need to guarantee minimum security and dignity for the thousands of people who arrive at the border or who have been sent back to Mexico while they wait for a fair opportunity to seek asylum.”

However, it is not clear which “officials” the writer is referring to. If they are referring to Mexican officials, then this makes all the sense in the world. But if they are supposing that US officials need to be actively seeking out resources and methods of supporting and protecting non-citizens in a neighboring country, then there is little else to say other than the fact that there are those who have ascended to the heights of absurdity.

In fact, border agents are assigning court dates to illegal immigrants seeking asylum, with many dates falling years from now. Illegal immigrants are then released into the domestic United States with nothing but a cell phonem to keep them tethered to a judicial process that barely seems concerned with what happens to Americans amid the massive influx.

Image: Title: us mexico patrol


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